[0.14] Progressbar size flickering on pause

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[0.14] Progressbar size flickering on pause

Post by MrDoomah »

So I have used a very short progressbar as a color indicator, but I want it to be smaller than specified in the data.lua.

However, at first they stay the size specified in data.lua, but when paused they flicker between the large size and the small size:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/n90zxvm6z52z1 ... 7.mp4?dl=0


Code: Select all

data.raw["gui-style"].default.color_progess_bar = 
		type = "progressbar_style",
		parent = "progressbar_style",
		smooth_color = {r=1,g=1,b=1},
		other_smooth_colors = {},
		smooth_bar = 
			filename = "__Tasker__/graphics/color_bar.png",
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
			width = 1,
			height = 52,
		smooth_bar_background =
			filename = "__Tasker__/graphics/color_bar.png",
			priority = "extra-high-no-scale",
			width = 1,
			height = 52,
		left_padding = 3,
		width = 34, 
		height = 28,

local stepsize = get_stepsize()
for b = 0, 1+(stepsize)/2, stepsize do	-- due to floating point erros the upper limit must be higher than 1, but lower than 1+stepsize
	for g = 0, 1+(stepsize)/2, stepsize do
		for r = 0, 1+(stepsize)/2 ,stepsize do
			local c = (r + ((1+stepsize)/stepsize)*g + ((1+stepsize)/stepsize)^2*b) + stepsize/10-- add a stepsize since its less than and not less or equal than
			local less_then = 0.99 + c / get_scale_factor()	--maps the colors to [0.99,1.00] range.
			table.insert(data.raw["gui-style"].default.color_progess_bar.other_smooth_colors, {less_then = less_then, color = {r = r, g = g, b = b}})

Code: Select all

			local value = 0.99 + (task.color.r + ((1+global.step_size)/global.step_size)*task.color.g + ((1+global.step_size)/global.step_size)^2*task.color.b) / global.scale_factor
			local color = frame.add{type = "progressbar", name = "task_name_color_" .. task_name, size = 35, value = value, style = "color_progess_bar"}
			color.style.maximal_width = 25
			color.style.maximal_height = 25
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Re: [0.14] Progressbar size flickering on pause

Post by Rseding91 »

Can you post a save file and mod to reproduce this?
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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