Infinite Oil with barrel unloading? (0.15.9)

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Infinite Oil with barrel unloading? (0.15.9)

Post by Maddog033 »

While starting a new world me and one of my close friends encountered a bug in Factorio that gives us infinite oil. While setting up my autocrafters to unload the crude oil from the barrels, the autocrafter gives out unlimited oil even though nothing is being unloaded. I have no other oil lines connected as I only have one oil field currently (not powered or connected). If anyone has experienced this or knows a way to fix this please leave a comment. Thanks!
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Re: Infinite Oil with barrel unloading? (0.15.9)

Post by Rseding91 »

Please upload the save file showing the problem.

Although I already know it's technically not possible to produce infinite oil from those recipes :P
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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