If you're loading factorio in the background, after 80-90% the monitor switches off for a second, after finish loading the menu is transparent
This version of the game was downloaded directly from the Factorio website, I have since updated my steam version and it doesn't appear to be happening there. Loading times for the steam version is also much quicker, more than 50% Just timed it, not the case, it might be about 3 seconds quicker but can be explained by the screen freeze/monitor turns off for those 3 seconds
*Updated to 0.15.6, still happening.
**Updated to 0.15.9, still happening.
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Last edited by MultiH on Fri May 05, 2017 10:34 pm, edited 9 times in total.
Just upgraded to 0.15.6. Still occurring. Both monitors turn off and on for about 1 second, it seems I need to be actively using the 2nd tab e.g. highlighting some text to trigger it. Alt-tab right after opening factorio. I have factorio on Fullscreen