[0.14.22] Crashes on heavily modded Bobs/Angels singleplayer

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[0.14.22] Crashes on heavily modded Bobs/Angels singleplayer

Post by ischyz »

Version: 0.14.22 (build 25342, win64, steam)

I just setup Electronic Circuit Board production, and the game has crashed twice while interacting with objects. First crash, I picked up a fast belt and put some items in a steel chest (which is accessed via fast inserter); second crash (attached), I was setting up a temporary concrete assembler picking from and outputting to steel chests via fast inserters.

BobsAngels.zip is the main save file, but _autosave1.zip is the last autosave (about 2hr ahead of the main save) before the second crash happened (concrete contraption is to the southeast of initial location).

Nearly 70 hours in on this save, haven't experienced this before.

Also, every time I re-start the game after a crash, I "re-get" the "Circuit Veteran 1" achievement.
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Re: [0.14.22] Crashes on heavily modded Bobs/Angels singleplayer

Post by Rseding91 »

It's crashing trying to render some image in a GUI - if you can figure out a way to reproduce it I can look into why it's crashing.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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