[0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

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[0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by ThirteenEra »

In case this matters, i have lab efficiency 2 researched.

The bug is a bit weird to explain, so i'll just give you steps to replicate.

Place 7 labs. give them good amount of red/green science packs (50+), then distribute 75 blue packs among them (around 11-12 each). Start researching Advanced oil Processing (i think this will be same in any other research, but this is when it happened to me).

The research will go fine until the very end, when the blue science pack will run out before lab's cycle finishes. Putting a brand new blue pack into the lab resets the lab cycle, and once again causes the lab to consume the pack before cycle finishes. This can be repeated indefinetely, resulting in NO research progress, while consuming the blue packs. A "fix" is to put 2 or more packs, allowing you to finish one of the cycles, however the issue will persist on next cycle unless another pack is added.

In essence this means that you need to craft more than required number of science packs.

Here's a screenshot showing you what an incomplete lab cycle looks. If at this point a new blue pack is inserted, cycle is reset to 0 and issue repeats itself.

It seems the issue is twofold. The blue pack not providing enough for a full cycle, and the cycle resetting instead of resuming.
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Re: [0.12.7] Science pack consumption

Post by daniel34 »

Partly this is already a known issue, at least the first part:
[0.12.0] Science research is lossy - https://forums.factorio.com/forum/vie ... 41&t=13674

However, the fix should be to just add one more science pack to complete the research, which you state is not the case.
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Re: [0.12.7] Science pack consumption

Post by ThirteenEra »

Indeed. As i have said, it seems to reset the cycle rather than finish it.
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Re: [0.12.7] Science pack consumption

Post by orzelek »

Do I understand correctly that if there is a lab thats not getting enough blue packs to actually complete the cycle it will sit there eating up science packs and not doing research?
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by posila »

Hey, thanks for the report. Do you (or anyone) have a save game I could use to reproduce it? I tried to make a setup you described under various different conditions (different levels of Lab efficiency researched, power consumption > production, production > consumption, ...), but I couldn't reproduce the issue.
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by ThirteenEra »

Sure, ill try to give you a save in a few minutes. Ill edit this post.

EDIT: It seems im no longer able to reproduce this. My old save where i originally discovered this has been saved over (because i continued playing), and replicating circumstances doesnt seem to trigger this. Im not sure if something has changed, or if it was a one-off glitch due to something somewhere, but i guess its more of a random occurence. Which is weird, considering i was able to replicate it 100% of the time during the save when i originally discovered it.
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by LordFedora »

This isn't an occurrence where the science gets eaten, but here's another save where science doesn't complete

Select automation1, add science pack (should be in inventory, but it's multiplayer so it might not work) and it won't complete, tested with high latency, low latency, full power, starting power(what the save has), and in single player, all "worked"
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by Rseding91 »

LordFedora wrote:This isn't an occurrence where the science gets eaten, but here's another save where science doesn't complete

Select automation1, add science pack (should be in inventory, but it's multiplayer so it might not work) and it won't complete, tested with high latency, low latency, full power, starting power(what the save has), and in single player, all "worked"
Automation 1 requires 10 science packs (1 * 10):
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by posila »

Thanks for trying to reproduce it again. I am putting this thread to pending. If you encounter the issue again, pleaes let us know.
@LordFedora: I'll take a look at your save, but science packs rounding issue is known and considered minor, so it probably won't get fixed any time soon.
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Re: [0.12.7][posila] Science pack consumption

Post by LordFedora »

Rseding91 wrote:
LordFedora wrote:This isn't an occurrence where the science gets eaten, but here's another save where science doesn't complete

Select automation1, add science pack (should be in inventory, but it's multiplayer so it might not work) and it won't complete, tested with high latency, low latency, full power, starting power(what the save has), and in single player, all "worked"
Automation 1 requires 10 science packs (1 * 10):
then one pack should complete the first of ten cycles no?

On that save it doesn't, though it's not the same problem as the OP
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