Ammo definitions

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Ammo definitions

Post by Arch666Angel »

Playing around with projectiles and ammo I came across an inconsistency of sorts

Setting repeat_count and deviations will result in multiple shots at once for every projectile with direction target_type

Code: Select all

ammo_type =
      category = "cannon-shell",
      target_type = "direction",
      action =
        type = "direct",
		repeat_count = 2,
        action_delivery =
          type = "projectile",
          projectile = "heavy-cannon-projectile",
          starting_speed = 1,
          direction_deviation = 0.2,
          range_deviation = 0.1,
          max_range = 40,
Doing the same with a projectile without direction target_type will result in ... nothing
So doing something like following will still result in one rocket being fired, I would have expected multiple rocket taking different path to their targets.

Code: Select all

    ammo_type =
      category = "rocket",
      action =
        type = "direct",
		repeat_count = 4,
        action_delivery =
          type = "projectile",
          projectile = "explosive-rocket",
          starting_speed = 0.1,
	      direction_deviation = 0.5,
          range_deviation = 0.5,
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