Liking SidAlpha

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Liking SidAlpha

Post by featherwinglove »

Full Disclosure: Yeah, I'm a fanboy. Only learned of his existence two weeks ago, but yeah :oops: (I'm not getting any direct or indirect monetary benefit from SidAlpha though; I don't think he even knows I exist.)

I've suggested him to feature Wube Software and Factorio on his Diamond Devs series a few times, but my Youtube account is partially disabled (no idea why) and most of my top level comments are not publicly visible. (Also I'm almost exactly his 50,000th subscriber and probably lost in the noise if it isn't that.) SidAlpha is a very interesting and unusual Youtuber and, much to my astonishment, not quite as good at Starr Mazer DSP as Imagos attorney Leonard French. (Paying attention to the backgrounds; anyone else pay attention to the "background" gameplay in gaming news commentary vids?)

SidAlpha tends to cover the moral spectrum of the gaming industry ( "video" gaming industry, since the casino regulators still call themselves "gaming commissions" and have almost no overlap) although he tends to concentrate on the ends. At the submarine radio end of the spectrum we have fanbase backstabbing asset thieves like Dentola Studios, Digital Homicide, Falconware, and Alex Mauer. And at the gamma ray end of the spectrum have Wube Software, which he hasn't even mentioned yet. Still though, lots of x-ray vids on his channel, and some infrared stuff as well, such as the infamous FF14 price rebalancing that makes the game cost a month's wages in certain countries, and ...whatever this is. (It's commentary on a very recent #GamerGate grade bit of journalism where, in the face of modern gender politics, the gaming journalist leaves behind his balls ...although I don't think that's what SidAlpha was thinking when he wrote the title card for his video.)

SidAlpha also has "Is it worth it?" videos with coverage of games approximately similar to what Joseph Anderson has done for Factorio (which is catastrophically outdated IMHO.) Approximately: they are very, very different in their gaming tastes and playing styles. And they are also very different Youtubers, the combination of which means we are unlikely to see SidAlpha do an "Is it worth it?" video on Factorio even if every Factorio player went to his channel and subscribed (which would roughly quadruple his subscriber count) and started spamming the video where he asks (if you decide to, please do so on just one video; I'm not seeking to weaponize the Factorio player base. (With that link, I'm like, am I this much of a fanboy after just two weeks? Am I really at that level of otaku no SidAlpha?? :shock: )) So, I'm hoping for a Diamond Devs vid instead. I think this is a much better idea than giving so much attention to that lady we all love to hate: developer Shannon Iggins :mrgreen:
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Re: Liking SidAlpha

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Moved to off topic.
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: Liking SidAlpha

Post by featherwinglove »

Wube being the etitome of Diamond Dev is "Off Topic" 8-)
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