Autonomous Quadcopters

Things that are not directly connected with Factorio.
Sander Buruma
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Autonomous Quadcopters

Post by Sander Buruma »

Hi all,

I couldn't help but be reminded of Factorio after watching some videos of autonomous quadcopters (I've ordered 1 and am expecting it in 30~ days due to high demand), they have gotten in the price range of regular consumers (ie 500-1000$ for an autonomous quadcopter). They're capable of flying autonomously, flying for up to 20 minutes following custom pre made flight plans.

Some autonomous battery powered airplanes can fly for 40 minutes at speeds of 30-80 km/h and is capable of mapping areas, such an autonomous airplane is in the price range of ~1500$.

How long will it be till drones replace retail employees? How long till we can order a book or a pizza and have an autonomous mini airplane deliver it to us?

Some examples: ... uadcopters
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