Trypophobic Factorians

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Trypophobic Factorians

Post by Xunie »

Considering I knew I was trypophobic at the time, I told someone about it ages ago and turns out she had it too (genetic predisposition?). Ever since that day, she's been going nuts over it and telling me about it everytime she sees something remotely like it. So much so that this one time I was making pancakes from batter intended for poffertjes[1] and bubbles started to form in the pancake. Well, we both got so obsessed over it, taking photos and somehow enjoying that crawling skin feeling. When I put it like that, it does sound a little insane.

Anyhow, I was talking to her a week or so ago when I playing Factorio and she noticed the bug bases in the game. Considering that those things are animated, she went nuts again. Luckily it was late game and I had a flamethrower. But it seems those bug bases immediately trigger a DESIRE TO KNOW MORE in those that are trypophobic.

PROTIP: If you're Trypophobic? Do NOT make pancakes from poffertjes batter in a regular pan without diluting the batter with extra milk. I believe there's something in the batter causes gaseous buildup that would normally stay inside 'the poffertje' and causes it to take that blown up flying-saucer shape. But by spreading it out, there's no room for those bubbles to go and they pop at the surface causing holes to form near the surface and near other holes effectively making the entire thing a little bit like a sponge, through and through. Oh god, why am I obsessed with god damn holes in flat surfaces?!

[1] sort of like small pancakes, requires special pan to make, did not have on hand.
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Re: Trypophobic Factorians

Post by GoldenPorkchop80 »

Xunie wrote:Considering I knew I was trypophobic at the time, I told someone about it ages ago and turns out she had it too (genetic predisposition?)

Majority of the human populous is trypophobic. It's a natural response to get creeped out by that stuff because it looks diseased. That's why we freak out/get sick/vomit after seeing trypophobic images. It's our body's natural response to this [fake] disease.
Xunie wrote:pancakes from batter intended for poffertjes[1] and bubbles started to form in the pancake...we both got so obsessed over it, taking photos and somehow enjoying that crawling skin feeling.
Huh, my mom's dutch eierpannenkoeken does the same thing, but I don't get trypophobic after seeing it. Only works with the eierpannenkoeken, though. I see a real trypophobia image, and I downright get sick to my stomach. :?


lol, my mom has the hearing of an elephant. She thought she heard "clicking" in my room, even though she has NO IDEA my laptop is in my room. I call major BS, mang.
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