Ender chest sistem

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Ender chest sistem

Post by DarkGiovy »

Is possible create a system of various chest,that is, putting the material in this various cest, all the material ends up only in one chest?

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by Lukasecicek »

This game is actually about moving stuff from one place to another. With belts. Or logistic bots. Making"ender chest" that teleports everything to where you want it would make 99 percent of the game dissappear or useless...

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by wrtlprnft »

Bigger chests (maybe warehouses?) might overcome the current maximum of four inserters operating on a single chest.

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by ficolas »

Not posible.

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by metzyn »

wrtlprnft wrote:Bigger chests (maybe warehouses?) might overcome the current maximum of four inserters operating on a single chest.
I like the idea of a "warehouse", but not necessarily to just a single chest. It would be cool to have a ton of storage chests in a particular area, then have a belt move product into the warehouse and logistics bots sort everything... but the logistics bots would have to be coded in such a way to remain in a particular area. It would also be nice if you could specify which logistic bots did what and where.
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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by usafphoenix »

i have seriously considered coding an ender storage mod, but more like tesserects, if you are familiar with minecraft: They'd have limited inventory size, would act as loaders and unloaders in a single tile, would cost massive amounts of energy the further away an item was being sent (to combat OP-ness), and would lose their inventory if power was lost, or fell below a certain level..... but nothing....nothing i thought-up could, ultimately, convince me that such a mod would not result in most of the game's inherent item-transport-problem ("how do i want to get this from here to there?") immediately being solved, and that alone would take away from the sort of fun of things, or the difficulty, i feel---even if i were to make every chest (sender or reciever) require 6-10 MV of power to send, that would just require the player to build more solar panels or steam/nuclear power. if i increased the risk of total item loss higher, then people simply would never use it, if i increase the power requirement to levels un-obtainable until the player's factory is almost completely built, that, also, would make them useless and unused. The problem with an item like this, is it is next-to-impossible to find an acceptable balance of usefulness, and game-changing over-poweredness. You could, perhaps, combat this by first require all nuclear science and rocket science to be completed, by requiring the crafting of the item to include space science packs themselves (limits the amount of science you can accomplish with the rocket if you are using the items you receive to craft these chests)....and STILL, i could not come up with something i felt would not make 80% of people say it was too overpowered and unacceptably-game changing. if anybody has a solution, i would LOVE to hear it.

When i came to the conclusion that, specifically, a teleportation mod would make most of the game's inherent strategy problem meaningless, i thought...well, maybe if i could find a way to make ANGLED undergrounds (undergrounds that would not go in a straight line), but could be tilted, or turned like a train track is when laying tracks out from the end-point. Limited distance, higher cost, but configurable path direction for underground belts.
Honestly? couldn't figure out how to do this.

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by eradicator »

DarkGiovy wrote:Is possible create a system of various chest,that is, putting the material in this various cest, all the material ends up only in one chest?
No. That's impossible. The way Factorios game engine works simply does not support this. Specifically there is no way to tell if an inserter took an item out of a chest and propagate it to all other connected chests. If you made the chests accesible to players only there might be a hacky way to do it i guess.

@usafphoenix: I'm pretty sure tesseracts didn't use energy to transfer items, nor did they lose their inventory. Possible ways to balance: Transfer speed ridicoulously slow, Item transfer has huge delay, don't allow all types of items, minimum distance between two tesseracts so you can't spam them all over the place? The question is more like...what problem do you want to solve with tesseracts that isn't already solvable? Bots are pretty much tesseracts with a delay.
And i think the ability to lua-connect two arbitrary underground belts ("angled belts") was removed somewhere around....0.13? Or was that just pipes? :P

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by usafphoenix »

well, when i also had an idea to make something like this, the idea originated out of an example from Factorissimo2, and surfaces-remake, both of which can, essentially, teleport items, fluid between surfaces (worlds/ playing areas) so i thought it'd be possible....not sure how those mods achieved their inventory transfer bits, but i imagine, by using a a similar method, it *could* be possible, but once i had considered ("ok it may be possible, but how do i make it FIT with the game as a whole without breaking the spirit of the game, itself?") and that's about as far as i got with the hope/idea of ender storage in factorio.

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Re: Ender chest sistem

Post by Rseding91 »

I had a working version of an ender-chest like system in C++ when I was bored one day. After tinkering with it for 5 minutes I decided that it was far too powerful and would obsolete 99% of the game immediately if any mod used it and so I deleted it.

The entire game is about moving items around and if you trivialize that then you have no game left to play. Like using an aimbot in a first person shooter - it just ruins everybodys fun.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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