Getting biters to attack

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Getting biters to attack

Post by Altaric »

Hello everyone !

A game of mine grew quite a bit and performance went too low to be playable. I've investigated a bit and found that the biter count was killing it (since killing them all restored framerate)
Cpu time is mostly used by entity update

So i endeavored to get them to attack so that turrets can do the cleaning. I can see 2 possibilities to do so : either tweaking the AI settings or by giving them direct orders.
I've tried playing around with parameters like gathering time, speed bonus to join the group and such, but can't fine something to trigger attacks more often. Any tips ?
As for the direct order, the API says either use the surface.multi_command or entity.set_command. first one didn't produce any noticable result. second one managed to get about 20 enemies to attack me ... out of the ~10k biters there are :(

I'd really want them to attack ... please help :)

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