Referencing sounds.lua library in base mod

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Referencing sounds.lua library in base mod

Post by Kamikazimon »

Hi there,

I've searched this forum but my problem apparently isn't that common.

I have the following code for implementing a new nuke explosion as part of a mod that changes some things in the

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mod in the module at

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local sounds = require("__base__.prototypes.entity.sounds")

local uranium_atomic_bomb_action =
    type = "direct",
    action_delivery =
        type = "instant",
        target_effects =
                type = "set-tile",
                tile_name = "nuclear-ground",
                radius = 20, -- This
                apply_projection = true,
                tile_collision_mask = { layers = { water_tile = true } }
                type = "destroy-cliffs",
                radius = 40, -- This
                explosion = "explosion"
                type = "create-entity",
                entity_name = "nuke-explosion"
                type = "camera-effect",
                effect = "screen-burn",
                duration = 80,
                ease_in_duration = 5,
                ease_out_duration = 70,
                delay = 0,
                strength = 8,
                full_strength_max_distance = 200,
                max_distance = 2000
                type = "play-sound",
                sound = sounds.nuclear_explosion(0.9),
                play_on_target_position = false,
                -- min_distance = 200,
                max_distance = 2500,
                -- volume_modifier = 1,
                audible_distance_modifier = 3
                type = "play-sound",
                sound = sounds.nuclear_explosion_aftershock(0.4),
                play_on_target_position = false,
                -- min_distance = 200,
                max_distance = 2500,
                -- volume_modifier = 1,
                audible_distance_modifier = 3
                type = "damage",
                damage = { amount = 1000, type = "explosion" } -- This
                type = "damage",
                damage = { amount = 1000, type = "physical" } -- This
                type = "damage",
                damage = { amount = 1000, type = "fire" } -- This
                type = "create-entity",
                entity_name = "huge-scorchmark",
                offsets = { { 0, -0.5 } },
                check_buildability = true
                type = "invoke-tile-trigger",
                repeat_count = 1
                type = "destroy-decoratives",
                from_render_layer = "decorative",
                to_render_layer = "object",
                include_soft_decoratives = true, -- soft decoratives are decoratives with grows_through_rail_path = true
                include_decals = true,
                invoke_decorative_trigger = true,
                decoratives_with_trigger_only = false, -- if true, destroys only decoratives that have trigger_effect set
                radius = 60                            -- large radius for demostrative purposes -- This
                type = "create-decorative",
                decorative = "nuclear-ground-patch",
                spawn_min_radius = 21.5, -- This
                spawn_max_radius = 22.5, -- This
                spawn_min = 55,          -- This
                spawn_max = 80,          -- This
                apply_projection = true,
                spread_evenly = true
                type = "nested-result",
                action = {
                    type = "area",
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 2000,
                    radius = 40,
                    action_delivery = {
                        type = "instant",
                        target_effects = {
                            type = "create-fire",
                            entity_name = "atomic-bomb-fire-flame",
                            tile_collision_mask = { layers = { water_tile = true } }
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 3000, -- This
                    radius = 35,         -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-ground-zero-projectile",
                        starting_speed = 0.6 * 0.8 * 2.5, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 4000, -- This
                    radius = 125,        -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave",
                        starting_speed = 0.5 * 0.7 * 2.5, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    show_in_tooltip = false,
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 2500, -- This
                    radius = 70,         -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-cluster-nuke-explosion",
                        starting_speed = 0.5 * 0.7 * 2.1, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    show_in_tooltip = false,
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 2000, -- This
                    radius = 12,          -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-fire-smoke-explosion",
                        starting_speed = 0.5 * 0.65 * 2.5, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    show_in_tooltip = false,
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 3500, -- This
                    radius = 40,         -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuke-shockwave-explosion",
                        starting_speed = 0.5 * 0.65 * 3.5, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    show_in_tooltip = false,
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 1500, -- This
                    radius = 60,         -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "projectile",
                        projectile = "atomic-bomb-wave-spawns-nuclear-smoke",
                        starting_speed = 0.5 * 0.65 * 2.5, -- This
                        starting_speed_deviation = nuke_shockwave_starting_speed_deviation
                type = "nested-result",
                action =
                    type = "area",
                    show_in_tooltip = false,
                    target_entities = false,
                    trigger_from_target = true,
                    repeat_count = 25, -- This
                    radius = 20,       -- This
                    action_delivery =
                        type = "instant",
                        target_effects =
                                type = "create-entity",
                                entity_name = "nuclear-smouldering-smoke-source",
                                tile_collision_mask = { layers = { water_tile = true } }
The file references the

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from the base game. I've examined other mods using a similar strategy when adding new projectiles; those all load fine.

My mod however, does not. This is what I get:

10-25-2024, 18-07-56.png
10-25-2024, 18-07-56.png (28.92 KiB) Viewed 138 times

The problem seems to be the relative path definition as the game expects a base directory within my mod. How do I actually reference the base game and not a base directory within my own mod?

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