To do this I want to react to Factorio events, and convert objects into a common data format (for example, JSON, although some other common format would be good) to be transferred via file or stdout. I'm new to Lua and Factorio modding! I'm hoping there's a good way to do this.
I'm stuck on converting the object to JSON. I've tried serpent.block(obj), but from what I understand it can only serialise tables. LuaPlayer and LuaEntity are not tables - so the result has no useful information.
Code: Select all
-- result of serpent.block(obj)
__self = "userdata"
Code: Select all
-- result of game.table_to_json(obj)
Value (userdata) can't be saved in property tree at ROOT.__self
Here's a sample of what I have so far. The mod receives an event, and produces a number of files (depending on what the event is referring to).
Code: Select all
-- receive event from Factorio
entityEvent(e.tick, e.entity, "on_player_mined_entity")
playerEvent(e.tick, e.player_index, "on_player_mined_entity")
-- serialise valid Entity event updates
function entityEvent(tick, entity, eventType)
if (entity.unit_number ~= nil) and (entity.unit_number ~= 0) then
local ____ = entity[""]
local filename = table.concat({entity.unit_number, eventType, tick}, "_")
outputEventFile((entity.object_name .. "/") .. filename, entity)
-- serialise valid player updates, along with the player's character(s)
function playerEvent(tick, player_index, eventType)
local player = game.players[player_index]
local filename = table.concat({player.index, eventType, tick}, "_")
outputEventFile((player.object_name .. "/") .. filename, player)
if player.character ~= nil then
entityEvent(tick, player.character, eventType)
for ____, char in ipairs(
) do
if char ~= nil then
entityEvent(tick, char, eventType)
-- write event to disk (TODO use stdout instead)
function outputEventFile(filename, obj)
local data = serpent.block(obj) -- doesn't work
game.write_file((EVENT_FILE_DIR .. "/") .. filename, data, false, 0)