Check in Entity Exists in Control

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Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by TheSAguy »

I have a function in Control that randomly selects a unit to spawn. However, there is an option to remove enemies from the game, so they will no longer be valid entities in my table. How can I check to make sure they exist?

Here is my function with enemy possibilities that I need to check for. The "spawn" value.

Code: Select all

        function get_unit_to_spawn()
            local spawn_options = {
                {spawn = "ne-biter-breeder-", weight = 20},
                {spawn = "ne-biter-fire-", weight = 30},
                {spawn = "ne-biter-fast-", weight = 60},
                {spawn = "ne-biter-wallbreaker-", weight = 50},
                {spawn = "ne-biter-tank-", weight = 20},
                {spawn = "ne-spitter-breeder-", weight = 8},
                {spawn = "ne-spitter-fire-", weight = 3},
                {spawn = "ne-spitter-ulaunch-", weight = 2},
                {spawn = "ne-spitter-webshooter-", weight = 10},
                {spawn = "ne-spitter-mine-", weight = 10}

            local calculate_odds = {}
            for k, spawn in ipairs(spawn_options) do
                for i = 1, spawn.weight do
                    calculate_odds[#calculate_odds + 1] = k

            local random_num = #calculate_odds
            return spawn_options[calculate_odds[math.random(random_num)]]


        local unit_to_spawn = get_unit_to_spawn()
        SpawnLaunchedUnits(entity, unit_to_spawn)
Lets say "ne-spitter-mine-xxx" was removed from the game, how can I have the function re-roll till it gets a valid entity to spawn?

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Re: Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by Silari »

better way would be to assemble that table at startup and only fill it with an item if that prototype exists. Easier to do it once at startup then every time you need to spawn something.
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Re: Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by TheSAguy »

Okay, not exactly sure how to do that.
I tried the following, but that gave me an error:

Code: Select all

NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Breeder = settings.startup["NE_Biter_Breeder"].value
NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Breeder = settings.startup["NE_Spitter_Breeder"].value

NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Fire = settings.startup["NE_Biter_Fire"].value
NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Fire = settings.startup["NE_Spitter_Fire"].value

NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Fast = settings.startup["NE_Biter_Fast"].value
NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Ulaunch = settings.startup["NE_Spitter_Ulaunch"].value

NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Wallbreaker = settings.startup["NE_Biter_Wallbreaker"].value
NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Webshooter = settings.startup["NE_Spitter_Webshooter"].value

NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Tank = settings.startup["NE_Biter_Tank"].value
NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Mine = settings.startup["NE_Spitter_Mine"].value

        -- Randomly choose a unit to shoot - weighted
        function get_unit_to_spawn()
            local spawn_options = {
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Breeder and
                    {spawn = "ne-biter-breeder-", weight = 20} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Fire and
                    {spawn = "ne-biter-fire-", weight = 30} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Fast and
                    {spawn = "ne-biter-fast-", weight = 60} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Wallbreaker and
                    {spawn = "ne-biter-wallbreaker-", weight = 50} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Biter_Tank and
                    {spawn = "ne-biter-tank-", weight = 20} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Breeder and
                    {spawn = "ne-spitter-breeder-", weight = 8} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Fire and
                    {spawn = "ne-spitter-fire-", weight = 3} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Ulaunch and
                    {spawn = "ne-spitter-ulaunch-", weight = 2} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Webshooter and
                    {spawn = "ne-spitter-webshooter-", weight = 10} or nil,
                NE_Enemies.Settings.NE_Spitter_Mine and
                    {spawn = "ne-spitter-mine-", weight = 10} or nil

            local calculate_odds = {}
            for k, spawn in ipairs(spawn_options) do
                for i = 1, spawn.weight do
                    calculate_odds[#calculate_odds + 1] = k

            local random_num = #calculate_odds
            return spawn_options[calculate_odds[math.random(random_num)]]



Code: Select all

The mod Natural Evolution Enemies (1.1.27) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

Error while running event Natural_Evolution_Enemies::on_trigger_created_entity (ID 24)
__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:2278: bad argument #1 of 1 to 'random' (interval is empty)
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function 'random'
	__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:2278: in function 'get_unit_to_spawn'
	__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:2282: in function <__Natural_Evolution_Enemies__/control.lua:2165>
Any thoughts on how to update this?
Smart Inserter
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Re: Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by TheSAguy »

Just seeing if anyone had any advice on how to check if a hard coded entity in a table exists, during the Control phase.
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Re: Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by Bilka »

TheSAguy wrote: Wed Aug 16, 2023 4:29 pm how to check if a hard coded entity in a table exists, during the Control phase.

Code: Select all

if game.entity_prototypes[entity_name] then
-- do stuff
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
Smart Inserter
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Re: Check in Entity Exists in Control

Post by TheSAguy »

Thanks Bilka!
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