(Emphasis added in bold)[5] on_configuration_changed()
This step runs for all mods if the save's mod configuration has changed. The configuration is considered to be different when the major game version or any mod version changed, when any mod was added or removed, when a startup setting has changed, or when any prototypes have been added or removed.
The documentation says "major game version" but I *think* based on pure logic as well as reading of a bunch of old forum threads, any version string change in the 'base' mod (i.e. Factorio itself) will probably trigger the event? Is this correct? In other words, upgrading from 1.1.69 -> 1.1.70 (which most devs would call a 'patch version change') would also trigger the event?
If so, maybe queue up a change to tweak "when the major game version" to "when the game version" (strike the word 'major')?
Thanks for the help! <3