Code: Select all
-- defining shunter loco prototype
local shunterLoco = table.deepcopy(data.raw["locomotive"]["locomotive"]) -- copy the table that defines a loco = "shunter-loco"
shunterLoco.max_speed = 60
shunterLoco.reversing_power_modifier = 1.00
-- defining shunter recipe prototype
local shunterLocoRecipe = table.deepcopy(data.raw["recipe"]["locomotive"]) = "shunter-loco-recipe"
shunterLocoRecipe.enabled = true
shunterLocoRecipe.result =
-- adding those prototypes to the game
data:extend({shunterLoco, shunterLocoRecipe})
Code: Select all
shunter-loco=Shunter Locomotive
shunter-loco=A locomotive designated to move cars between rail yards.
shunter-loco=Shunter Locomotive
shunter-loco=A locomotive designated to move cars between rail yards.
Code: Select all
Item with name 'shunter-loco' does not exist