If an entity has minable results, or lootable results, these should show in the tooltip underneath the Map.
Made a simple mod to allow the player to mine cliffs and gain a bunch of resources, much like rocks.
Yet, in game, the expected resources don't appear in the tooltip under the mini-map.
Is this expected behaviour, or am I missing something obvious?
Code: Select all
-- get all cliff types, make selectable and minable, yielding resources
for k, v in pairs(data.raw.cliff) do
v.minable = {
mining_particle = 'stone-particle',
mining_time = 30,
results = {
{name = 'stone', amount_min = 50, amount_max = 150},
{name = 'coal', amount_min = 50, amount_max = 75}
v.loot = {
{name = 'stone', amount_min = 50, amount_max = 150},
{name = 'coal', amount_min = 50, amount_max = 75}
v.selectable_in_game = true