[bug] luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

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[bug] luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by adamius »

Hi all,

I'm trying to use luaTrain.insert_fluid and luaTrain.remove_fluid.

The documentation for luaTrain isn't helping me. The insert_fluid doesn't have the parameter documented... https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Lua ... sert_fluid
(version 0.17.79)

I've tried passing in a fluid array to insert_fluid / remove_fluid of this form
{ type="steam", amount=42 }

But I get a bad argument #3. Something about expecting a string and getting a nil. What string is needed?

Any ideas?

Documentation extract (0.17.79):
remove_fluid(fluid) → double

Remove some fluid from the train.

fluid: A table with type and amount
Return value
The amount of fluid actually removed.

insert_fluid(fluid) → double

Inserts the given fluid into the first available location in this train.


Return value
The amount inserted.
Last edited by adamius on Fri Dec 06, 2019 4:08 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by boskid »

https://lua-api.factorio.com/0.17.79/Co ... html#Fluid
you have "type" when it should be "name"

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Re: luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by adamius »

boskid wrote:
Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:17 am
https://lua-api.factorio.com/0.17.79/Co ... html#Fluid
you have "type" when it should be "name"
Well that helped with getting rid of the error message. Cheers for that, so luaTrain's documentation still needs a nudge, but I can't get the fluid to insert into the train. I can do it using luaEntity.

But via luaTrain.... not so much. For this use case I'm not caring which fluid-wagon receives what. I don't get any errors. The got1 through got3 are implying that luaTrain's version of insert_fluid doesn't work but that luaEntity does.

My expectation is that the water and steam will go somewhere in the train and if still possible, the wagon next to player may receive crude-oil of 25k. What actually happens is the 25k crude-oil goes in without any issue and the other wagons receive nothing.

Here's my code I'm testing with, more-or-less.

Code: Select all

local player = game.players[1]

-- assume a train with locomotive, cargo-wagon and four fluid-wagons. all wagons empty
local train = {}

for idx,entity in ipairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered{position=player.position,radius=3}) do

  if entity.name == "fluid-wagon" then   -- just grab the train reference from nearest fluid wagon
     train = entity.train

     print("water? "..got1)

    print("steam? "..got2)

    got3= entity.insert_fluid({name="crude-oil",amount=25000})
    print("crude-oil? "..got3)



if train then
  print("train wagon contents")
    for idx,wagon in ipairs(train.carriages) do
      print(idx.." "..wagon.get_fluid_count("water").." "..wagon.get_fluid_count("steam").." "..wagon.get_fluid_count("crude-oil"))

print("train contents "..train.get_fluid_count("water").." "..train.get_fluid_count("steam").." "..train.get_fluid_count("crude-oil"))

Sample output

Code: Select all

water? 0
steam? 0
crude-oil? 25000
train wagon contents
1 0 0 0
2 0 0 0
3 0 0 25000
4 0 0 0
5 0 0 0
6 0 0 0
train contents 0 0 25000

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Re: luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by PyroFire »

Don't forget temperatures

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Re: luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by adamius »

Ok having looked at this further, I'll treat luatrain's insert_fluid/remove_fluid methods as defective.

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Re: luaTrain insert_fluid remove_fluid not working as expected

Post by PyroFire »

adamius wrote:
Sat Nov 23, 2019 5:43 am
Ok having looked at this further, I'll treat luatrain's insert_fluid/remove_fluid methods as defective.
Confirmed issue https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Lua ... sert_fluid doesn't work, but https://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/Lua ... sert_fluid does (on the train entity)

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