Create landfill ghost ?

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Create landfill ghost ?

Post by staviq »

I have a problem, where if i change a tile via surface.set_tiles landfill ghosts on this tile are deleted for some reason.

I'm trying to solve this problem by making a list of tiles i need to re create landfill ghost at, but i can't find a correct way to create a landfill ghost.

Code: Select all

for tgk,tgv in pairs(tileghosts) do
	evtsurface.create_entity( { name = "entity-ghost", inner_name = "landfill", position = tgv } )
results in "Unknown entity name: landfill", even though when the game creates landfill ghost it's ghost_name is literally "landfill"

What is the correct way to create landfill ghost at given tile, or perhaps is it possible to preserve the original landfill ghost when using set_tiles ?
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