I played around a bit with modifying files of an existing mod and looked some things up but since i dont plan to get into serious modding myself it would be cool if someone could help me here
This is in the mods folder \modname\data-updates.lua
Code: Select all
--weight anx max power adjusted so that additional cargo wagons and fluid wagons will have almost zero impact to acceleration
--adding more forward facing locomotives will not help with acceleration
data.raw["locomotive"]["locomotive"].weight = 5000
data.raw["locomotive"]["locomotive"].max_speed = 1.5 --646.5km/h
data.raw["locomotive"]["locomotive"].max_power = "1800kW"
data.raw["locomotive"]["locomotive"].max_health = 3000
data.raw["wall"]["stone-wall"].max_health = 2000
data.raw["furnace"]["steel-furnace"].energy_source.emissions = 20
data.raw["turret"]["ammo-turret"].attack_parameters.range = 20
is it not possible to change that value like this? Also could someone give me a quick explanation on how you can reliable find the paths for such values because till now i was just kinda guessing for the walls and furnaces...
tysm whoever is willing to help this noob