Help with making an entity non-rotateble

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Help with making an entity non-rotateble

Post by Musical_tanks »

Hello I am making a mod and I am having trouble with one item in the code specifically, this one ... .rotatable

I want to make my entity non-rotatable because its not square and the collision box gets funny (, but it doesn't matter weather the value is set to true or false the entity can still be rotated in game.

Here is the relevant entity code

Code: Select all

        type = "assembling-machine",
        name = "advanced-assembler",
        icon = "__space-lab__/graphic/advanced-assembler-32.png",
        icon_size = 32,
        flags = {"player-creation","placeable-neutral"},
        minable = {hardness = 1.0, mining_time = 2, result = "advanced-assembler"},
        max_health = 500,
        corpse = "big-remnants",
        dying_explosion = "medium-explosion",
        placeable_by = {item="advanced-assembler", count = 1},
        collision_box = {{-3.4, -1.4}, {3.4, 1.4}},
        selection_box = {{-3.4, -1.4}, {3.4, 1.4}},
        drawing_box = {{-3.4, -1.4}, {3.4, 1.4}},
        rotatable  = false,
        animation =
          layers =
            filename = "__space-lab__/graphic/advanced-assembler 210-140.png",
            priority = "extra-high",
            width = 210,
            height = 140,
            shift = {0.0, -0.6},
            frame_count = 1,
        open_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-open.ogg", volume = 0.85 },
        close_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/machine-close.ogg", volume = 0.75 },
        vehicle_impact_sound =  { filename = "__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg", volume = 0.65 },
        working_sound =
          sound =
              filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t2-1.ogg",
              volume = 0.8
              filename = "__base__/sound/assembling-machine-t2-2.ogg",
              volume = 0.8
          idle_sound = { filename = "__base__/sound/idle1.ogg", volume = 0.6 },
          apparent_volume = 1.5,
        module_specification =
          module_slots = 6,
          module_info_icon_shift = {0, .75},
        crafting_categories =  {"crafting", "advanced-crafting", "satellite-crafting"},
        allowed_effects = {"consumption", "speed", "pollution"},
        ingredient_count = 10,
        crafting_speed = 2,

        energy_usage = "1MW",
        energy_source =
          type = "electric",
          usage_priority = "secondary-input",
          emissions = 0.08 / 5.5,
Am I doing something wrong here?
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Re: Help with making an entity non-rotateble

Post by CyberWizard2261 »


flags = {"player-creation","placeable-neutral", "not-rotatable"}
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Re: Help with making an entity non-rotateble

Post by Bilka »

That property you linked can only be used runtime, not in the prototype stage. In the prototype stage, you just have to add "not-rotatable" to the flags of the entity to prevent rotation. You can find the documentation for that here: ... tatable.22
I'm an admin over at Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: Help with making an entity non-rotateble

Post by Musical_tanks »

It worked, thank you both!
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Smart Inserter
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Re: Help with making an entity non-rotateble

Post by eradicator »

Musical_tanks wrote: I want to make my entity non-rotatable because its not square and the collision box gets funny
What is the exact problem you're having? Rectangular entities aren't that rare (all combinators for example), and making a rectangular assember that can be placed only horizontally doesn't seem like the best solution here...

The automatic behavior for rectangular entities is: before placing all four directions are valid, after placing you can only "swap" between two opposite directions.
Author of: Belt Planner, Hand Crank Generator, Screenshot Maker, /sudo and more.
Mod support languages: 日本語, Deutsch, English
My code in the post above is dedicated to the public domain under CC0.
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