Here is the spec:
Code: Select all
type = 'electric-energy-interface',
name = 'hand-crank',
icon = '__base__/graphics/icons/accumulator.png',
icon_size = 32,
flags = {'placeable-neutral', 'player-creation'},
minable = {hardness = 0.1, mining_time = 0.2, result = 'hand-crank'},
max_health = 40,
corpse = 'small-remnants',
collision_box = {{-0.78, -0.62}, {0.77, 0.48}},
selection_box = {{-0.78, -0.62}, {0.77, 0.48}},
enable_gui = true,
allow_copy_paste = false,
energy_source =
type = 'electric',
usage_priority = 'primary-output',
render_no_power_icon = false,
render_no_network_icon = true,
buffer_capacity = '10kW',
input_flow_limit = '0kW',
output_flow_limit = '10kW'
energy_production = '0kW',
energy_usage = "0kW",
animation =
layers =
filename = '__HandCrank__/graphics/entity/hand-crank.png',
priority = 'extra-high',
width = 96,
height = 48,
shift = {0.6, 0},
line_length = 0,
frame_count = 8,
animation_speed = 0.2,
run_mode = 'forward'
filename = '__HandCrank__/graphics/entity/hand-crank_dark.png',
priority = 'extra-high',
width = 96,
height = 48,
shift = {0.6, 0},
frame_count = 8,
line_length = 0,
animation_speed = 0.2,
draw_as_shadow = true,
run_mode = 'forward'
filename = '__HandCrank__/graphics/entity/hand-crank_shadow.png',
priority = 'extra-high',
width = 96,
height = 48,
shift = {0.6, 0},
line_length = 0,
frame_count = 8,
animation_speed = 0.2,
run_mode = 'forward'
vehicle_impact_sound = {
filename = '__base__/sound/car-metal-impact.ogg',
volume = 0.4
Any help?
EDIT: This happens even without layers (specifying the first layer as the top-level table keys).