why does onload fire every few minutes, but not at the start

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why does onload fire every few minutes, but not at the start

Post by sparr »

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game.onload (function()
        game.player.print("Hello World")
This is my test case. I think it's firing every time the game autosaves. That's about the right frequency to match how often I see the message. What's wrong here?
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Re: why does onload fire every few minutes, but not at the s

Post by drs9999 »

Yes every time the game is saved (by user or autosave) the game is loaded again after that. When starting a new game the oninit-event is called
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Re: why does onload fire every few minutes, but not at the s

Post by sparr »

But it's NOT firing when I load a saved game manually.
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