Yeah, that's what I've been doing, ticking the tiles box. But this means the user really needs to blueprint their design when it's built on 100% landfill, because water can appear in any random place, different each time. So you need it to be on 100% landfill to ensure that every possible tile that might need landfill definitely has it.mrvn wrote: Mon Mar 04, 2019 2:11 pm Note that when you create blueprints there is a little check box to include tiles. No need to create landfill ghosts, including tiles will place landfill ghosts when you put down the blueprint.
Doesn't work with walkways, like stone, wood, asphalt though as they can't be placed on water and the landfill underneath the walkways isn't included in the blueprint.
Note: It would be nice to have an option to include tiles only where needed. I.e. only below entities.
And yes very good point regarding concrete-on-landfill. I noticed that with my rail blueprint, the first thing I wanted to capture on top of landfill. I have a concrete walkway down the middle of my two rails, and when blueprinted the game only records this as a concrete tile, not concrete on landfill. So for my rails I am forced to have two blueprints: one is only landfill, in the right shape and length to cover the whole rail segment; the second is the rails themselves.