Identify specific gui element types of fields in json

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Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Identify specific gui element types of fields in json

Post by sparr »

Code: Select all

	"name": "left",
	"order": 3,
	"description": "The left part of the GUI. It is a flow element inside a scroll pane element.",
	"type": "LuaGuiElement",
	"optional": false,
	"read": true,
	"write": false
There are multiple fields that look something like the one above, referencing flow or empty-widget elements. It would be helpful if these were annotated in a machine readable way rather than in the description text. I am producing types like LuaGuiElement.flow based on the subclasses property of various LuaGuiElement fields and methods, and I would like to be able to identify the type of the field shown above as that.
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