Code: Select all
21.483 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 32x32} from __creative-mod__/graphics/icons/autofill-requester-chest.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {32,0; 16x16} which is out of bounds of the source image.
21.483 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 32x32} from __creative-mod__/graphics/icons/creative-chest.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {32,0; 16x16} which is out of bounds of the source image.
21.484 Warning! Sprite at {0,0; 32x32} from __creative-mod__/graphics/icons/creative-provider-chest.png is defined with 4 mipmap levels, but level 1 is expected to be at {32,0; 16x16} which is out of bounds of the source image.
However, if you enable the "hidden" runtime-sprite-reload option, the game flat out refuses to process this kind of thing and terminates itself. It halts with a crash dialog and appends the following to the log:
Code: Select all
4.468 Loading sprites in reloadable mode.
26.762 Error Util.cpp:83: Icon mipmap 1 is outside of spritesheet: __creative-mod__/graphics/icons/autofill-requester-chest.png
32.071 Goodbye
It would be nice to be able to take advantage of this hidden feature without having to disable every mod that has minor and usually tolerable issues with its icon specs.