Look at the random buildings (steam engine, pole) and you'll see that the sun comes somewhere from the left.

However, the player shadow is straight down.

Next, let's look at cable shadows:
We view the cable from the side, so we see the hanging curve. However, the sun comes from the left (it shines along the cable) so the curve should not be visible on the ground.

Judging from the pole shadows the sun comes from the left (and very slightly to the bottom as the pole shadow goes up slightly), the red line is how I imagine the cable shadow should actually be.
The same applies for vertical cables. We look along the cable so we cannot see the hanging curve, but the sun shines from the side so it should be visible on the ground:

The cable shadow is also drawn at the wrong position, cables are hanging over the middle pole so the shadow should also be in the middle:

I hope this makes sense, I'm not sure how to explain it otherwise.