Our map has a garage of sorts, self-contained on the outside of our factory, it has tanks and vehicles in it sitting in garage spots. This was fine before (version between 0.11.17 and 0.11.21). the last version of factorio we played this map on was 0.11.16 so between that and 0.11.21 this bug has been introduced. The inserters are filling up the vehicle containers with stuff that should be going into fuel/ammo spots.
See below:
big image
as pictured here you can see the tanks inventory is filling up with solid fuel. (Not desired and never did this (i'm guessing before the inserter optimisation rewrite))more big image
This also happens with the reloading station circled a bit lower and to the left on the 2nd screenshot. Although not pictured it exhibits the same situation where once the ammunition slots are fully loaded it will start plowing ammo into the tanks inventory too.The car has the same issue with fuel overflowing into the cars inventory. If i put the car in the reloading area it fills its inventory with ammo but that is what i'd expect anyway, for cannons at least, because it doesn't have an ammo slot for it.
I sincerely hope you guys agree this is a bug and not the new intended functionality because this made me sad when I saw it.