[1.1.27] Disabled research not counted as a fulfilled prerequisite when researched

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[1.1.27] Disabled research not counted as a fulfilled prerequisite when researched

Post by Villfuk02 »

Advanced Electronics 2 has Chemical Science Pack as its only prerequisite, so when I research Chemical Science Pack, AE2 is available for research
Then, when I disable the Chemical Science Pack research, AE2 is no longer available for research, even though CSP is still researched
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Re: [1.1.27] Disabled research not counted as a fulfilled prerequisite when researched

Post by Klonan »

Yes, that seems to be the way it is written,
If a technology has a prerequisite, and that prerequisite is disabled, you cannot research it

However that does not make it a bug
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Re: [1.1.27] Disabled research not counted as a fulfilled prerequisite when researched

Post by curiosity »

It doesn't make sense though, so there's a possibility of it being a bug.
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