[1.1.7] Train blocked when train stop disabled by circuit

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[1.1.7] Train blocked when train stop disabled by circuit

Post by Fractaliste »

That's a bug I noticed in my main base with lot of trains, but I create this small show case to make it easier to reproduce.

There is a dozen of trains which have all the same scheduled : A => D

Train station "A" has no trains limits and can stack all of thems.
"D" station can be disabled by circuit (for show case I just put a chest which disable/enable the station when number of conveyer is odd or even) AND has a max number of train (3 in my show case but I don't think it matter)

Steps to reproduce :
  1. My train station with train limit of 3 is switched ON by circuit
  2. 3 trains rushed to the station
  3. Wait for the first one to be arrived and the two others waiting behind
  4. Switch the station OFF by circuit
What I see :
  • When the first train reached the end of its waiting condition, it goes back to station "A"
  • Second and third trains switch to state "Destination pleine" (target full in english I guess), see screen below.

What I expect :
  1. When the first train reached the end of its waiting condition, it goes back to station "A"
  2. Second and third train's target is now disabled. I don't remember what Wube's developers has exactly planned :
    • Go anyway to the original scheduled stop ? Why not...
    • Go to another "D" replacment station ?
    • "D" is off, so it is ignored, go to the next station scheduled : "A" (option I'd prefer)
  3. But I did not expect these trains to stay in place and needing to be manualy sent to somewhere

    In my show case, when I clicked on one of the locked trains to show its schedule I got :
You can see station "A" is welcoming and the other station "D" could be maybe reserved.

See attachments for show case (I save while trains are locked), but if you need to reproduced the full process just play with the chest to disable/enable again the station. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need more help.

It's not new in 1.1.7, I already noticed it at least in 1.1.6

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Re: [1.1.7] Train blocked when train stop disabled by circuit

Post by boskid »

I see nothing wrong here. It is the consequence of disabling train stop that has trains incoming and not having overflow train stop for those trains that happened to be on route. When all train stop under given station name are disabled trains will skip such schedule record but in your case there is one "D" train stop enabled and when i was implementing trains limit i decided that trains will not skip schedule record if it has full but not disabled train stops (this is when the "destination full" message shows) because this allows more interesting train logistic designs. When a train is on route and you disable a train stop, it will fail to find another train stop under the same station name so it gets stuck in the middle of rail network.
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Re: [1.1.7] Train blocked when train stop disabled by circuit

Post by Fractaliste »

Ok I see, the way you code it is more usefull for resource deposits, the main use case. So all my trains station without overflow management should have train limit set to 1, or no train limit.

Actually it's globally the case (resource stations are stacked and construction station are set to 1), except for rarely initialisation of new outpost where I temporarely increase the number of train on the construction station. I just need to be more attentive on them.

You could add a setting to train station GUI to tell trains what to do if station is not reachable anymore.
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