[0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

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[0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

Post by Dune »

Edit: I believe this is not a bug, this can be moved to "Not a bug." Sorry for the inconvenience.

The accumulators when they are charging, the power level indicator on the chart do not show the charge level. When they are discharging, it works as you'd expect.


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Last edited by Dune on Sun Mar 03, 2019 9:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

Post by tehfreek »

If you're talking about your 140 advanced accumulators, they're charging at 30.2MW and are at the top of the chart in cyan. If you're talking about your 16 normal accumulators, they're charging at 691kW and are the yellow line at the bottom of the chart. If you didn't mean either of those then please clarify.
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Re: [0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

Post by Ashaman »

When charging an accumulator does not produce any power as it is receiving (consuming) power to store for use later on. You image shows everything working correctly..

Please clarify?


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Re: [0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

Post by Dune »

When charging:

There is no power bar on the chart showing the level of charge.

There is no power value on the chart showing the charge in voltage accumulated. It's actually showing 0 W.

If you see the screenshot, you see the power bar (on a vanilla accumulator) has a green bar showing that the accumulator is partly full. Which isn't reflected on the power chart.
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Re: [0.17.4] Accumulator charge not shown in power chart

Post by Dune »

Never mind, I think you are both right. I'm looking at the Production side of the chart, and of course while charging, they aren't producing power.

I compared the behavior to v0.16 and it's working the same.

This isn't a bug, please move to Not a bug. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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