So i needed a some heavy >light oil convertins
So i just blueprinted my light>petrol build. and pasted it again.
Then i would expect its just a matter of changing the recipe, and connect the pipes.
But even whitout any fluid in it (pipes are not connected to anything),
i cant change the recipe because i get a " cant mix fluids warning"
fluid type mix warning without any fluids in it.
fluid type mix warning without any fluids in it.
Last edited by t-lor on Sat Mar 02, 2019 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: fluid type mix warning without any fluids in it.
All connected buildings are checked to see if fluids would be mixed, not just pipe contents.
Re: fluid type mix warning without any fluids in it.
This is intended behaviour, you can either omit the last pipe to the producing entity in the blueprint or create dedicated blueprints. NaB.