[0.15.x] Blueprinting ass. machine with fluid input

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Burner Inserter
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[0.15.x] Blueprinting ass. machine with fluid input

Post by yupswing »

It looks like I found a graphical bug (or maybe is it a partially implemented feature?).

When you are blueprinting assembling machine with a recipe with fluid input (like Electric engine or blue circuits) it shows an input and an output.
So it looks like fluids could pass through there is an output, but that's not the case.

It's a very minor bug (or are you implementing fluid passing through assemblers... that could be nice!).

edit: as people on reddit pointed out, passing through it's shown as a double arrow, so I assume it just should not show the output arrow (and connections to pipes).

Here's a picture showing the problem:

Edit: I made another test to check barreling and unbarreling, and it looks like there is the same inconsistency
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Re: [0.15.x] Blueprinting ass. machine with fluid input

Post by Klonan »

Thanks for the report,

This is working as intended, the blueprint rendering shows all the fluidboxes of the entity, if any of the fluidboxes are used in the recipe
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