1 train with a tank wagon with any fluid inside (here water), very low amount inside (here 0.6 water per tank, so 1.8 for the whole wagon).
The train stop at a stop that is set to output it's content into the circuit network.
Actual behavior : The train do not output anything into the circuit network (see in the image below that there is no signal when I hover the pole connected to the stop).
Expected behavior : The train output 1.8 (or a rounded up value) into the circuit network.
As a side note : The train still consider itself NOT empty even if it output nothing into the circuit network.
I was able to get those low amount by using a pump activated by the signal sended by the train, obviously, when the signal stopped (too early as there is still water inside) the pump stopped leaving the water in the train.
Example save with the bug inside, for vanilla 0.15.9
When hovering the train, it tell us that there is 1.8 amount of water inside.[0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
[0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
Re: [0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
The setup in your save does not allow for pump connection, changing that fixes it.
Re: [0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
I'm not complaining about pump not working here (and it work, see how the pump is connected on the first screenshot), and if I remove the circuit network condition, the pump do remove what is inside the train. My report is about the train not sending it's content to the circuit network even if it is not empty (but the content is very low).
The save I gave is only here to show the train with content that do not what it should.
The save I gave is only here to show the train with content that do not what it should.
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !
Re: [0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
The circuit network handles integers, 0.6 means it contains 0, that is intentional.
Re: [0.15.9] Train stop not outputing fluid if it's too low
the train has 1.8 total, should output 1 or 2 depending on the rounding no ?
Or the problem is that the circuit network receive 3 signal of 0.6 and round each one before adding them ? So even if the network receive 1000 time a 0.6 signal it will still show 0 ?
Or the problem is that the circuit network receive 3 signal of 0.6 and round each one before adding them ? So even if the network receive 1000 time a 0.6 signal it will still show 0 ?
Want more space restriction ? Or maybe you want to be forced to use train for other thing than ore and oil ? Try Building Platform Mod !