(Minor bug?) Crafting not recognizing items in queue

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(Minor bug?) Crafting not recognizing items in queue

Post by WTMike24 »

I may be wrong, but I believe that in 0.12 when you were crafting, say, speed module 1s in your inventory, and you wanted to make an assembly machine Mk. 3, you could simply begin crafting them and they would use the speed modules that are currently being crafted in the crafting queue. As seen in the screenshot linked below, the Shield Mk. 2s are not seeing the Shield Mk. 1s in the crafting queue, only the ones in my inventory. I am not sure if this is intentional, but in the case that it is not, I figured I'd put something here.

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Re: (Minor bug?) Crafting not recognizing items in queue

Post by Koub »

You're wrong : the crafts in progress have never counted when it came to craft the next item. There have been suggestions to change that behaviour, but it's currently not a new bug.
I'll move this topic to not a bug

[Edit] viewtopic.php?f=80&t=10222 as you see : not a new thing :)
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.
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Re: (Minor bug?) Crafting not recognizing items in queue

Post by gheift »

This changed with 0.13.10: viewtopic.php?f=23&t=29797
Until 0.13.9 final items or left overs (e.g. copper cables) in progress have been counted when crafting a new item, with 0.13.10 this behavior changed.
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