[2.0.14] Importing a BP with quality signals when quality mod is disabled.

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Burner Inserter
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[2.0.14] Importing a BP with quality signals when quality mod is disabled.

Post by FoxLBA »

I imported a blueprint into the game without the quality mod. In this BP some buildings have a signal with quality in the settings.

The message "Unknown quality name: uncommon" appeared, part of the buildings (in which these signals were) is missing in the BP.

But if I try to build the same blueprint taken from the library, then in this case the buildings are present and the signals in them are without quality or deleted (in a constant combinator).

I expect that when importing such blueprint, the buildings in them will not be deleted, and the quality in the signals will be removed or some signals will be completely deleted.

Here is a BP for an example:
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Re: [2.0.14] Importing a BP with quality signals when quality mod is disabled.

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however this is working as intended. Unknown prototypes in blueprint strings cause errors and the entity to be removed.
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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Re: [2.0.14] Importing a BP with quality signals when quality mod is disabled.

Post by FoxLBA »

Is it possible to ignore the missing prototypes and place the unknown entities in the blueprint object as is?
If a blueprint with entities from a deleted mod is in a saved game, then how does saving/loading handle such blueprints?
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