[2.0.11][SA] Uranium ore patches placed >1km away from starting area

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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[2.0.11][SA] Uranium ore patches placed >1km away from starting area

Post by kubel34 »

Upon reaching uranium research in a new save file, I noticed that I couldn't see any uranium ore on the map.
I also found nothing after driving the car for about 5-10 min.

Assuming that I may have touched something in the map generation settings, I converted the save to a scenario, and no, they where at their default values.
By roaming around in circles for some time I did find uranium, but it was at least 900m away from the starting area.

Here is a screenshot of the remote view, with pins on all uranium patches near 2.5km around the center. The view is centered on (0,0).
uranium_patches.png (321.67 KiB) Viewed 568 times

The map exchange string:

Code: Select all

Other players found themselves in a similar situation:
- viewtopic.php?p=626050#p626050
- https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... ce_age_map
- https://www.reddit.com/r/factorio/comme ... _i_unlucky

By playing around in the map generation preview, I could notice that some seeds would generate 3-5 uranium patches rather close proximity to the spawn point, while others only 1 or 2 total in the whole preview area.
A few similar seeds (generated with default settings, Factorio 2.0.11, all Space-Age mods enabled):
- 1785814116 (1 patch total on the whole preview)
- 480425464 (2 patches)
- 3560131465 (2 patches)
- 2542647086 (2 patches)
I needed about acceptable 8 seeds before finding one with a very far uranium ore patch. So something like 10 to 15% of seeds are impacted?

While I appreciate the choice of making uranium rarer, or making it spawn farther from the starting area, it feels that the there should be some minimum value to prevent situations like this.
The main issue I have is since you cannot know where to go to find the closest uranium ore patch, you could spend ~30 min in your car looking for one, without any success.

If I remember Factorio 1.0 correctly, one uranium ore patch was included in the starting area (but placed a bit father from the center?).
I think that from the point of view of the player, this is much better, as they can know what uranium looks like, and can easily start to use and experiment with it. Then farther patches are much less of a problem, since the player know what to look for.
In the current state, players (experienced or not) could wonder if there is anything wrong with their world.

I believe that adding an uranium ore patch to the starting area is a good solution, even if it is placed farther than, say, about 2 radar ranges.
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Re: [2.0.11][SA] Uranium ore patches placed >1km away from starting area

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report however uranium is intentionally generated far from the starting area. This is not a bug.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.
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