Multiple RoboPorts connected via circuit network creates an undesired multiple effect

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Multiple RoboPorts connected via circuit network creates an undesired multiple effect

Post by Bifficus69 »


Thanks for an amazing game... looking forward to October!

I have discovered what I believe to be an accidental feedback loop that occurs when connecting multiple RoboPorts to a circuit network. BP attached.

I have a special purpose power/roboport grid setup I use for limited production "towns"... mini bases that are disconnected from the rest of the factory except for power. They usually have their own batch of robots to do things.

In this BP, you will see nothing but a few squares of poles and roboports, and three yellow boxes. Seven of the roboports are attached to the logistics networks in this BP. If you put one item in the yellow boxes, then check a pole, you will see that 7X quantity of all items in the yellow boxes are reported as being available. I just added a red box and tossed something in there... same issue. I read about the feedback loop issues with combinators, and you will see there are no combinators in this BP.

It seems that Each RoboPort connected to the circuit network feeds "1X everything in the network" ... so if I add a second connection, reported product availability (and any other signals) will be reported 2x... 3x and so on.

Why do I have 7 roboports attached to the circuit network instead of just one? 1st, I didn't think there was an issue obviously, haha. 2nd, because I use these BPs like Lego and try to have overlapping parts, sometimes that creates some redundancies. Redundancies that just waste a few building parts are fine... but if they create false data in the logistics network... that's not fine.

So my question is, is this by design and I'm doing it wrong? I already determined I can just delete all the redundant circuit network roboport connections and the problem will go away. So maybe that's what you want me to do. But it seems "wrong" in this case... given than the circuit wire to the roboport is only supposed to read what's in the network... reading it twice (or 7x) shouldn't report 2x or 7x in the network, in my opinion.

Thanks very much,


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Re: Multiple RoboPorts connected via circuit network creates an undesired multiple effect

Post by boskid »

From the description i can tell its a Not a bug.

Roboports are requested to send network content to the circuit network and so thats what they are doing. When there are multiple sources of a value in a circuit network the values get added together.

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