[1.1.56] Spidertron waypoint orbiting

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[1.1.56] Spidertron waypoint orbiting

Post by ILLISIS »

This is not a vanilla game bug however the issue occurs because of base game behavior.

The issue is quite similar to this however has nothing to do with rails.
viewtopic.php?f=48&t=92196&p=524135&hil ... nt#p524135

My mod, Constructron-Continued, utilizes the pathing API to set Spidertron autopilot destinations.
When other mods are used that make the Spidertron(s) extremely fast (such as Editor Extensions - Super Exoskeleton), sometimes a Spidertron will orbit its autopilot waypoint infinitely. See attachment.

I can only speculate what the issue is but I think it may have something to do with the way the spidertron over walks it's destination.

I have attempted to reproduce the issue with a spider remote however this behaves as you would expect(like a freshly picked booger you try to flick off your finger lol) irrespective of how fast the Spidertron is.

Unlike that previous post, I have a save game with it in progress. You can catch me in discord if you would like to discuss in real time; Illisis#8421
https://drive.google.com/file/d/18jhBJI ... sp=sharing
2022-03-10 19-42-07.zip
(1.47 MiB) Downloaded 88 times
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Re: [1.1.56] Spidertron waypoint orbiting

Post by Xorimuth »

Mmm my mod would also benefit from spidertrons always stopping at their waypoint instead of overshooting when travelling too fast: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/Spidertro ... d8c1b7b314

Edit: I'm now using a system where I call stop_spider() if it is starting to overshoot, and then if it completely overshoots I teleport() it back into position.
Last edited by Xorimuth on Thu Jan 19, 2023 10:49 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [1.1.56] Spidertron waypoint orbiting

Post by boskid »

I am not considering this to be a bug. Its mod doing crazy stuff and having crazy outcome thing. There are 2 hardcoded parameters hidden related to the spider movement behavior since its movement is momentum based: when a player or autopilot requests spider to move, it applies a force onto a spider vehicle which is consistently applied (with an internal hardcoded modifier of 0.007) and to prevent the spider movement from being too crazy, there is also a dampening happening every tick (with an internal hardcoded modifier of 0.97). When the force applied is greater than the dampening, the system will oscillate. If you want those constants could be exposed in the spider vehicle prototype but that would be a modding interface request but that interface would need a lot of extra considerations to not make it a breaking change and to make the constants useful and not confusing.
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