andrfgs wrote: Tue Jul 06, 2021 5:06 pm Not a stupid question at all. I do understand your thinking, it could be the platform issuing expensive syscalls to the OS, but unfortunately, nothing changes. The non steam version runs at 60fps regardless.
And what happens if you add the standalone version to the Steam Library and run it through Steam? I am asking, because we don't do anything to add Steam Overlay, Steam intercepts OpenGL calls and adds it automatically. And it does it even if you run non-Steam games through Steam. So, I am wondering, if standalone Factorio would slow down too, if ran through Steam.andrfgs wrote: Fri Sep 10, 2021 11:40 am when running Steam Native and the FPS is still low. Sorry to insist on this, might it actually be the specific implementation of Factorio for steam on Linux that's a bit inneficient?