[0.17.74] Crash: "traversestrongtable at .../lgc.c:437"

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[0.17.74] Crash: "traversestrongtable at .../lgc.c:437"

Post by zebediah49 »

I have no idea what I was doing that would replicate this -- I think I was scrolling to try to zoom out while having hovered over something?

Anyway, save file and log are attached. Hopefully those are more useful than my memory of my actions is.
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Re: [0.17.74] Crash: "traversestrongtable at .../lgc.c:437"

Post by Rseding91 »

Thanks for the report. Based off where it crashed it makes me think memory corruption/hardware issue on your end. Can you try running something like memtest86+ and see if it shows anything?
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Re: [0.17.74] Crash: "traversestrongtable at .../lgc.c:437"

Post by zebediah49 »

Well, I was thinking that was quite the improbable reason, but a kernel memtest came back with two failing bytes.

It's circumstantial at best (since vmem means we have no idea if Factorio was sitting on 0x00000003917af088 at the time), but seems like a reasonably compelling explanation if nobody else hits the same thing.

That particular savegame worked fine when I reloaded and continued (though of course my user inputs were different).
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