[17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

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[17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

Post by Dune »

So, with yesterday's patch.
- Fixed that mining drill covering more than 1 infinite resource showed the mining speed as sum instead of average. (74443)
- Fixed that infinite item based resources with yield of more then 100% didn't actually mine more. So yield of 260% for example means that it mines 2 resources and 60% probability of 1 extra.
I believe that the second one there, it doesn't produce at all if the probability is low. IE, if the yield is 260%, the produce 2 with probability of 1 extra 60% of the time, actually is coded to not produce anything 40% of the time. This seems to be true even if the miner has regular ore and infinite ore under it, or not even having any infinite ore under it at all.

See this video https://www.twitch.tv/videos/467395720?t=00h17m51s of my stream yesterday after noticing the change. I'd seen the patch notes. It's not until re-reading them today that I may now understand why it wasn't working as intended (by the fix). The mod I'm using is Angel's Infinite Ore, and it has a huge out flow when a miner produces. I noticed several times during my stream that belts of ore would go down in production and then revamp back up. I think it is this percentage chance of producing affects the whole amount, not just the percent less than 100%.

Note: When loading the save, the uranium patch I view at that point in the stream is to the far south west.
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Re: [17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

Post by kovarex »

Your theory is wrong, it is behaving correctly. Not a bug.
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Re: [17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

Post by Dune »

Some miners are not producing much of the time, even one's with regular ore. Did you see the stream video? It's normal behavior for a miner not to produce for some time?
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Re: [17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

Post by Bilka »

A drill on an infinite uranium tile of 100% yield ore produces 0.5/s, as expected. It does that by producing 1 ore every 2 seconds. A drill on an infinite uranium tile of 150% yield ore produces 0.75/s, as expected. It does this by producing between 1-2 ore every 2 seconds. I think this is what is confusing you - there is a long break between production of multiple ores, instead of shorter breaks between production of always 1 ore. When I place a chest in front of the drills that you point out in your video, I see them producing 1 ore every 4 seconds, which is expected as they mine normal ore at the time. Once the drill switches tile to a high yield infinite ore, it is back to mining like 30 ore every 2 seconds. (Note that Angels infinite uranium mines twice as fast as vanilla uranium ore.)
I'm an admin over at https://wiki.factorio.com. Feel free to contact me if there's anything wrong (or right) with it.
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Re: [17.65] Infinite Ore doesn't produce regularly

Post by Dune »


Thank you for the explanation. I've been playing this game for years and honestly had no idea how the miners worked internally. I always figured it was the total amount under the miner that was deducted from each cycle. Not each individual tile mined independently, and rotated through as the miner works the area under it. That makes total sense now that you describe the workflow. I'm sure this is in the wiki, but thanks for the explanation once again. You restore my faith in the development of this game.

Using the chest test, I see the regular production now. I'm not sure why I wasn't seeing it produce to the belt.

1. How often does the miner switch between tiles? It seems every 5 cycles.
2. Also, if I may ask, is the switching between tiles random or done in sequence? It seems to be in sequence.
3. It appears that empty tiles are skipped over. Which makes sense, otherwise it would really appear that a miner did nothing some of the time.
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