[0.17.8] Server name limit doesn't allow longer names with tags.
[0.17.8] Server name limit doesn't allow longer names with tags.
When adding a icon / text-color / bold-text to the server name, it becomes alot less characters possible to display leaving with cut-off names
Re: [0.17.8] Server name limit doesn't allow longer names with tags.
Well, the limit is mainly to limit the bandwidth of the data, if you use a lot of icons/fonts the name is just bound to be shorter. We could consider increasing the limit overall, but it still will be related to the textual representation of the name, not number of characters.
Re: [0.17.8] Server name limit doesn't allow longer names with tags.
When adding 1 color and 1 icon before the name "Rescue Squad Alpha" already becomes "Rescue Squad Alph" wich isnt a that long server name