[0.17.4] New Introduction (various)

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
Posts: 13
Joined: Sat Mar 02, 2019 7:05 pm

[0.17.4] New Introduction (various)

Post by Scalinger2 »

These are just some things I noticed about the new intro. I don't know if this is supposed to be split into many posts or just stay as one.
    When it first asked to feed X items to the loader I started dropping said items on it instead of connecting a belt to it from my factory (so, something to specify belt to belt)
      I usually pick up an assembler and plop it back down to change what it makes but I couldn't do that with the pre-made assembler so I finally learned I had to click the 'refresh button' to change what it was making (so make the tutorial show you how to change the production item of the assembler, unless it already does and I missed that). I know it's a button that I should have been using the entire time I've been playing Factorio but I thought that button did something else based off of how it looked.
        After you make a steam generator an objective is to feed coal to the boiler but some of the wreckage had solid fuel in it and the objective unchecks if I use that.
          When I mouse over the compilatron it has unsightly godlike debug stats. I don't know if you guys plan to hide that but just reminding you to.
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