fuel has energy value in MJ, i understand that generators energy production (generators) output is in MW, but boiler consumption is for some reason in MW, although fuel value is in MJ. and seem to me that translation between MJ and boiler consumption is incorrect (mind 1MJ is roughly 0.00028MWh. with current length of factorio day, and assuming 24hr day, boiler at 50% usage witll burn trough solid fuel cube in less than 1sec.
to produce 1MWh, you will need roughly 4000 MJ worth fuel eg. in 20 sec (roughly 1 hr in factorio time), you will need to feed boiler 160 cubes of solid fuel, and that is assuming 100% (eg. lossless) utilization.
So there is either mistake in boiler consumption units, but then you will have literal perpetuum mobile (3.8MJ will translate into 0.0014MW intake, and production of steam worth of 3.6MW of energy - 1 boiler can feed 2 generators, but has only 50% effectivity)
Or fuel value is not MJ, but MWh. othewise fuel must have much higher values.
of course there is also 1 more solution, factorio physics where 1MJ = 1MWh