I placed a ghost of a yellow belt next to a Passive Provider Chest. The passive provider chest has yellow belts. There are storage chests with yellow belts as well but they are further away from the placed ghost.
2. What happened?
A construction bot flew to the passive provider chest, grabbed a yellow belt, and built the yellow belt ghost.
3. What did you expect to happen instead? It might be obvious to you, but do it anyway!
I expected the construction bot to fly to the storage chest, which is further away, to pick up a yellow belt, then fly back and build the yellow belt ghost.
Steps to reconstruct:
1. Build the Test Setup. Ignore modded accumulator, it's a stand-in for the appropriate power provider.
2. Place 1 belt in the passive provider chest, 1 belt in the storage chest, and 1 construction bot in the roboport.
3. Place yellow belt ghost closer to passive provider chest than storage chest.
4. Observe construction bot flies to passive provider chest to fetch yellow belt when storage chest still has a yellow belt.