Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

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Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by SolarPolarMan »

Sorry for the bad title but there is a character limit on it. Stack filter inserters use the same amount of energy as standard filter inserters. I'm assuming this is an oversight, as filter inserters use 6kW more than a fast inserter.
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Re: Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by Yoyobuae »

SolarPolarMan wrote:Sorry for the bad title but there is a character limit on it. Stack filter inserters use the same amount of energy as standard filter inserters. I'm assuming this is an oversight, as filter inserters use 6kW more than a fast inserter.
Which is dumb in the first place, filter inserter should use same energy as fast inserter. Both of those two are the most inefficient inserters anyway (in the energy-per-item sense).
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Re: Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by mexmer »

Yoyobuae wrote:
SolarPolarMan wrote:Sorry for the bad title but there is a character limit on it. Stack filter inserters use the same amount of energy as standard filter inserters. I'm assuming this is an oversight, as filter inserters use 6kW more than a fast inserter.
Which is dumb in the first place, filter inserter should use same energy as fast inserter. Both of those two are the most inefficient inserters anyway (in the energy-per-item sense).
why should filter inserter have same energy consumption as fast inserter when it's fast inserter + aditional electronic and mechanic for filtering?
it should of course consume more than fast inserter (to which is it upgrade). your reasoning is incorrect.
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Re: Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by Yoyobuae »

mexmer wrote:
Yoyobuae wrote:
SolarPolarMan wrote:Sorry for the bad title but there is a character limit on it. Stack filter inserters use the same amount of energy as standard filter inserters. I'm assuming this is an oversight, as filter inserters use 6kW more than a fast inserter.
Which is dumb in the first place, filter inserter should use same energy as fast inserter. Both of those two are the most inefficient inserters anyway (in the energy-per-item sense).
why should filter inserter have same energy consumption as fast inserter when it's fast inserter + aditional electronic and mechanic for filtering?
it should of course consume more than fast inserter (to which is it upgrade). your reasoning is incorrect.
Why should a person be able to craft steam engines, electronic circuits, refineries or even a rocket silo by hand? ;)

Why should a stack inserter consume the same amount of energy regardless of stack bonus? I mean a fully upgraded stack inserter should consume 6x more energy per swing (or at least 3x).

And many more things which don't really make real physical, chemical, etc, sense.

Reason: to make a fun and balanced game.

IMO, the extra energy cost on filter inserters do no play any role in making the game more balanced and fun. Filter inserters already cost a lot more electronic circuits, and get rarely used in vanilla factorio. There's no reason to on top of that penalize them with extra energy consumption, specially when their stack counterpart don't have that penalty. Neither of them should use extra energy use while running, their extra build cost is enough to balance their filtering ability.

If you really want to split hairs then I guess you could make filter stack inserters use 6kW more. So 138kW instead of 132kW, big deal. :lol:
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Re: Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by mexmer »

well we can argue which is more precise and which is "right" way to evaluate "proper" parameters.

still it's not bug, but design decision.

and stack research upgrade argument is invalid in this, because if you want to go "that" way, then you would need also to go and by hand (or bots) upgrade all inserters to higher tier, that has actual stack upgrade incorporated :mrgreen: neither will be fun or add to gameplay.
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Re: Stack filter inserters use the same energy as standard

Post by Rseding91 »

That's intended to work this way.
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