Items required:
- One Personal Roboport w/ accompanying armor type.
- Ten construction bots.
- Blueprint with 30-40 entities. Number of entities in blueprint isn't a factor. Just need to exceed the 10 bots the roboport can control by 2-3 times to really show off bug/regression.
- Some open space in the middle of nothingville.
- Get away from any roboports. Far as you like. Or don't have any placed on the map what so ever.
- Equip your personal roboport and accompanying armor with 10 construction bots in your inventory.
- Place a blueprint (or manually place ghosts) entirely inside of range of your personal roboport. Make sure you place at least 30-40 entities.
- Watch your bots speedily place everything.
Reproduce personal roboport delay/lag/lazy bots steps:
- Get away from any roboports. Far as you like. Or don't have any placed on the map what so ever.
- Equip your personal roboport and accompanying armor with 10 construction bots in your inventory.
- Place a blueprint (or manually place ghosts) entirely outside of range of your personal roboport. Make sure you place at least 20-30 entities.
- Move yourself [and your personal roboport] into range of placed entities.
- Watch your bots take ages to place everything with periods of them all in your inventory sleeping doing nothing.
Repeat both of these tests in Factorio 0.12. Bots will speedily place everything without falling asleep in your inventory repeatedly throughout the build process.
Not-a-bug. I'm a bloody idiot is all. I found some ghosts way off at x=10000 by y=10000 from when I did some cheat stuff on my map and apparently didn't reload afterwards...why didn't I do this on a new map? I'm a damn idiot that's way.

People are still reporting this so here is my handy little ghost finder mod. Install this mod and load your save with the issue. Every "minute" it will scan all surfaces for ghost entities and give a print out of what it found.
To aide in finding the ghost entities check the factorio/script-output/ folder for a folder named "GhostFinder" inside will be a found.txt with extra details and a bunch of png files.
Each png is a screenshot of the area in which at least one ghost was found.
Check those areas out and see if this issue continues once those ghosts are resolved.
Hope this little mod helps! I'll probably turn it into a full fledged mod (meaning runs on demand not on a timer) a some point and throw it on the mod portal.