[0.12.13] Water pumps output less than 2

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[0.12.13] Water pumps output less than 2

Post by ible »

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Searched water pumps in bug reports forum area and did not see any similar issues.

No mods installed.

Using current game version 0.12.13
Game was originally started in an earlier version of the 0.12.* code branch.

Bug Description
I have attached a save game file with the player standing at the water pumps.
Two water pumps feeding two series of boilers have a flow rate below 2.
A third water pump that is not feeding into the boilers is functioning fine, no problems.
Two water pumps are providing water to two series of boilers, after leaving the boilers the water is circulated through steam engines and into a holding tank.
Both series of boilers are connected to the holding tank.
The setup was working for over an hour before I noticed power problems and walked over to investigate.

I haven't tried to reproduce the problem because I am unsure exactly how it happened.
The problem came to my attention when the factory started to experience reduced electrical output.

Save File
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ji_h ... sp=sharing

Log File
https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4ji_h ... sp=sharing

OS: Windows 8.1 64-bit
Client: Factorio 64-bit 0.12.13

I thought the number on the pump was flow rate; apparently it is not flow rate but storage.
There is no bug, but a misunderstanding of what the number represented.
Last edited by ible on Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:48 am, edited 7 times in total.

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Re: [0.12.13] Water pumps output less than 2

Post by daniel34 »

I like the way you formatted your bug report, but you missed the part where you explain what you expected to happen.

The steam-boiler-water ratio is as follows:
1 pump = 10 steam engines = 13.1 boilers
Usually people do 1:10:14 and that's fine.

The problem is you hooked up 30 steam engines to 2 pumps, therefore all the water storage in all entities (boilers, steam engines, pipes) is almost zero, making the steam engines perform worse than normal.
If you remove the two water tanks completely and 1 steam engine of each of the first 2 groups for a little while (30sec) and add it later again (when water is > 3) you get the full 10 MW.
The reason you need to remove 1 of the 10 steam engines temporarily is that the ratio is exactly 1:10 and they won't work properly with < 2 water because they don't refill if the steam engines use all the water provided, no matter the temperature.

As I've spent 20 minutes on your save and switched between 'No bug' and 'bug' a few times, my conclusion might be wrong, so I'd like to hear from one of the devs on this issue.

Screenshot of the setup:
Also note that each of the first two pumps goes through a boiler column, but the 3rd offshore pump goes all the way to the right for item production that uses water and is not connected to the steam engines.
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Re: [0.12.13] Water pumps output less than 2

Post by Rseding91 »

There are 2 things going on here neither of which are bugs:

1. You have too many steam engines connected to too few boilers to run all the steam engines at full efficiency.
2. Water flow doesn't work like you're trying to make it work. It goes where it's needed - into the storage tank or into the steam engines. it doesn't flow in a circle like you're expecting it to.

A water pump can only provide so much water per tick and that limits how many boilers you can use and how many steam engines can be run off 1 pump or 1 set of pipes.
If you want to get ahold of me I'm almost always on Discord.

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