Why did the ship crashed ?

Suggestions relating to the Introduction and Campaign mode in Factorio
Smart Inserter
Smart Inserter
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Why did the ship crashed ?

Post by mmmPI »

I had this idea when reading the thread about oil change.

Something so obvious that you can't miss it, the ship crashed because some fluid output were full.

What about an introduction that would play the first time the game is launched ,that explain how the ship crashed. You'd start in a surface ressembling the tile lab that would be a room inside the ship, there would be some indestructible entities, such as refineries, pipes, pumps , tanks, wire, combinators, such as those compilatron build in the tutorial. It would look like the ingame one that would act as the picture in the "hint and tips" ( or not, to stay in line with the idea of the ship being little higher tech than the DIY we make on the planet).

The idea would be a scenario where it always crash the ship because the output backs up, so you learn it's ok to fail, probably every new player would know factorio is about survival in a planet and would expect the ship to crash so wouldn't be disappointed, you could get a new player to follow instruction to "replace the broken pump" , " set the logic for the new pump ", "read the level in the tank" , "transform all excess liquid in solid fuel/sulfur whatever" , "replace the refinerie receipe" , " compilatron says it still doesn't work we miss a piece" in a setup that would not be designed to scale, but would give an overview of how things looks when tied together and give the new player a feeling of "deja-vu" when it gets to oil, where it could take a look at the "tutorial" if ever he face a wall, no matter what at the end "oh it seems like a bigger problem than expect, the ship is crashing !"

What do you think ?

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